In the cold winter, all kinds of sweaters are overwhelming. Under the dominance of the mix and match style, the combination of all kinds of sweaters and all kinds of clothing is the hottest outfit this season:

1. Basin-neck sweater is a surprise for fresh girls by knitting sweaters. Incorporating a stable beige color into the color, the short high-necked style is very popular, and adding a hollow woven scarf is a magic weapon for perfect outfits.

2. For the sake of keeping warm, you can think about high collars, you can consider high and wide collars, let the wide high collars pile up on your neck at will, or fold them up neatly, swinging lazily, and between your hands and feet, the charming will start from the “head” Start.

3. Can you look sexy even in a sweater? A bold and avant-garde girl can choose a large lapel sweater. The neckline is randomly stacked on the neck and shoulders. The feminine amorousness is swayed in self-confidence.

4. Thick wool, thick stitches, warm feeling, look and wear very comfortable. The heavy sweater emphasizes not the line, but the casual and cute. In winter sweaters, heavy sweaters can be seen from time to time.

5. In the past, sweater jackets used V-shaped low-open collar designs on the chest. The round turtleneck sweater was welcomed. The most basic H-shaped style will help you set off a more perfect lady image.


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